The bigger they are, the harder they fall

This week’s tip is double sided 🙂 The first side is been said to emphasize that the more important or powerful a person is, the more difficult it is for them when they lose their power or importance In his TED Talk about What Physics can teach us about Marketing, Dan Cobley, speaks about how brands can survive here’s an extract to read So, physics and marketing. … Continue reading The bigger they are, the harder they fall

The Night is darkest before the dawn

Let’s face the truth on something, at some points in time, we can be in a situation where our life seems to be falling apart… Problem after Problem, issue after issue… From personal to private all the way to social and professional… Nothing seems to work! I have always had the same conversation with different variation on the same topic; Someone would be talking to … Continue reading The Night is darkest before the dawn

The More you Sweat in Peace, The Less you Bleed in War

While Growing up,  I used to rely a lot on Famous Quotes to bring my spirit up and keep me motivated to dream big while there were lots of reasons for not to. One of these quotes was an ancient Chinese Proverb that goes like this The More you Sweat in Peace, The Less you Bleed in War This week’s tip would mean different things … Continue reading The More you Sweat in Peace, The Less you Bleed in War

Take the time to look outside while the train is moving

I started writing this post while I was taking the train from Casablanca to Rabat. I had already spent an 8+ hour’s flight earlier that day from Qatar to Morocco and where something fascinating happened to me. For someone who travels as much as I do, you get used to particularly all the parts of the experience, nothing is as fascinating anymore. The safety procedures on … Continue reading Take the time to look outside while the train is moving