Moving on past the obstacles and seeing the bigger picture

One of the most common, I would not call it mistake, but one of the most common downfall of problem solving, is being stuck. And the ONE element, which is the immediate influencer is the following: Rather than thinking strategically about the solution of the problem, you get stuck into details. You see, if I am to put a plan that would take me from … Continue reading Moving on past the obstacles and seeing the bigger picture

Have a clear vision and take easy steps to get there

I still remember a small chat I’ve had with one bright young man on my team a while back, we were discussing the impact of data and change on the course of business, it was more about decisions than it was about the science of data and the example I’ve share with him at that time was simple: When you go to have a shower, … Continue reading Have a clear vision and take easy steps to get there

Sometimes you need to start walking first

In my humble experience in the field of education, and especially when talking about “Innovation in Education”, I get stumbled by the old and new approach of problem solving techniques, especially how teachers used to teach students on how to use a specific process that should pay off. For so many years now, I’ve concentrated my work on Innovation, whether in Business, in Life and in Education; there … Continue reading Sometimes you need to start walking first

Patience is a virtue that pays off

It was back in 2010, I was scheduled to speak at an event about entrepreneurship, and the main audience was college students graduating the same year; The organizer was insisting that I talk about my career path and what were the lessons learned for me at a young age in a relatively challenging world. It was about 45 minutes talk that covered many points, some were funny references, some sad … Continue reading Patience is a virtue that pays off

Be like the Ant: Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can!

One of my favorite and most probably one of the first stories I heard when I was a kid at school, was the story of the Ant and the Cricket, the cricket that was singing all summer while the Ant was working, and when the winter arrived, the cricket paid the price while the ant ripped off the benefit of hard work. The summary of the story … Continue reading Be like the Ant: Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can!

You can’t lead a horse if you’re not clear where you’re going

I recently had an interesting chat with a friend of mine, she is in the middle of a career-shift and was asking my opinion on how to proceed and what advice can she get from someone who pays a lot of attention on strategic thinking and the value of KNOWING WHERE YOU ARE GOING 🙂 Therefor, this week’s tip, is multi-purposed, it goes both ways, whether … Continue reading You can’t lead a horse if you’re not clear where you’re going

Keep Learning to Become Successful, then Start Unlearning to stay that way!

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” ~Professor Leon C. Megginson When you often hear about Change and Evolution, depending on your age, you might visualize Charles Darwin talking about how we, the humans, have evolved or you might simply take a glimpse and think about how the use of Mobile phones … Continue reading Keep Learning to Become Successful, then Start Unlearning to stay that way!

Strategy: When a Calculated Risk Meets an Educated Guess

There was one time during my travels, I was moderating an Executive round-table, the hotel meeting room was filled with high level executives from different leading companies of a particular industry, and we were all agreeing on a strategy to foster innovation on a national level. Now for those who met me in person, knows that despite my young age already (I’m 34 by the … Continue reading Strategy: When a Calculated Risk Meets an Educated Guess