Say Yes to Life!

Starting a New Year, a new chapter, a new book or a new life always comes with some luggage that we need to unpack. From past experiences to emotional liabilities or simply old limiting beliefs.  If you take a small trip back in your memory lane, to a time when you were still a little kid, how many things you were afraid of that today … Continue reading Say Yes to Life!

Be like a baby… Then Grow up!

If you ever had the opportunity to study Psychology, one of the foundation of this magnificent study will be about learning, and how do we learn. And to be able to understand the evolution of the Brain & Mind in this, they normally start with studying babies. There’s a fascinating small game that parents play with their infant child, that is almost universally known as … Continue reading Be like a baby… Then Grow up!

At this particular moment, there’s only one thing you can do

Sometimes the deepest sentences in life, are the simplest with a pure and very basic meaning… We watch movies, read stories and live experiences, to finally express one word… such as Love, Fun, Pain, Loss… etc We LEARN… Yes we learn the meanings of an already known word to us, we re-discover it throughout many sophistication, we feel that if we learn it the hard way, we … Continue reading At this particular moment, there’s only one thing you can do

You will know how heavy a burden was, when you let it go

When I started delivering workshops on Time Management, I’ve almost always started with this example… The Example of How Heavy the glass of water is. (or a bottle, depending how it would work out) How heavy is a glass of water? A lecturer when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked,”How heavy is this glass of water?” Answers called out ranged … Continue reading You will know how heavy a burden was, when you let it go

You are not the center, the center is You

During my path of coaching and assisting people, whether it was on a professional or personal level, if we were in a casual conversation or in a formal meeting, I have encountered a lot of similarities in what hold some people off from realizing their potential, and sometimes in what is holding them from doing any type of progress! This week’s tip is inspired by the … Continue reading You are not the center, the center is You