Live your Dreams, don’t Dream your life

You go to sleep, with the moment that you are about to close your eyes when everything is dark, and with only the light coming up from your phone… You are checking Facebook and viewing some sort of cute video of someone going on a vacation. And you begin to wonder what would’ve been if that was you in that video, and you finally surrender … Continue reading Live your Dreams, don’t Dream your life

A winner is a dreamer who never gives up

I was having a chat recently about my opinion on what would be the key to success & winning…  I wasn’t very sure about what would that be… But I answered: perseverance Most of the winners in this life, have faced lots of failures and disappointments in their life & career, but they never stopped believing in the beauty of their dreams… and Never gave up! In one of … Continue reading A winner is a dreamer who never gives up

Just do it… Make your dreams come true

A wise man once said: “Finish the work, otherwise an unfinished work will finish you.” … Sometimes this can be true with unaccomplished dreams… I have seen a lot of people who had big ambitions and dreams, and were very energetic and full of hope only to move to the opposite side, and become more pessimistic about their future and more importantly, more dissatisfied with … Continue reading Just do it… Make your dreams come true